On 6 September 2023, Carolina Cannard hosted a virtual Q&A session to discuss the issue of fair pay for interpreters in Aotearoa New Zealand and share information about the advocacy work that she has been doing to address this.

I wrote a summary of the session for Word for Word, the blog of the New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters. The main topics covered were the following:

➡ MBIE’s research on interpreter pay inequities and working conditions
➡ Her data collection and the confidentiality of all collected testimonies
➡ The scope of the fair pay petition
➡ The issue of pay scales in the selection of Language Service Providers (LSPs) for the government’s panel of approved LSPs
➡ Future contact between interpreters and MBIE
➡ The need and implementation of obligatory NAATI accreditation as of July 2024
➡ How interpreters can contribute to this cause

To read the full summary, visit Word for Word and have a look!

Comments, ideas, suggestions? Share them with me!